Convegni e Seminari

International Workshop: Conservation/Demolition

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The VII edition of the EAAE Thematic Network on Conservation Workshop “Conservation/Demolition” will take place on 25-28 September 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic. The workshop brings together a broad range of people, from art conservators to architects, engineers, and officials, to discuss the issues that have come to be of crucial importance in the management of European cultural heritage. Considering the roles that critical reflection and academic scholarship have played in developing conservation as a cultural practice, it will explore how the EAAE Conservation Network can enhance the contribution of these two basic pillars of architecture for the future of architectural heritage.

– Submission of Abstracts and Registration: 30 May 2019
– Acceptance of registration and abstracts: 15 June 2019
– Contribution payment: 30 June 2019
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