
Call for paper: Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB-16)



Following the success of earlier events in the series, the Eighth International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings  (SEB-16) will take place in Turin, organised by the Politecnico  di Torino in partnership with KES International http://seb-16.sustainedenergy.org/
SEB-16 invites participation and paper submissions across a broad range of sustainability and energy related topics relevant to the main theme of Sustainability in Energy and Buildings. Full papers, which are accepted, will be published in Elsevier online journal Energy Procedia (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18766102/83).
Submission of Full Papers for Review: 15th April 2016;
Notification of Acceptance/Amendments required to paper: 30th May 2016;
Upload of Final Camera-Ready Publication Files: 30th June 2016.
More details can be found on the http://seb-16.sustainedenergy.org/gentracks.php

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