Cluster Story

Clusters represent research networks made up of an articulated series of skills, especially interdisciplinary skills that the SITdA Members have developed over time. Through the clusters, SITdA provides a series of specific and interdisciplinary skills that can assist both the Customer in better explaining his/her needs (quality of public demand), and the operator of the building sector, in proposing appropriate design, realization and management solutions (effectiveness of the response).



The topics shared by the ENVIRONMENTAL ACCESSIBILITY cluster have as their object the accessible design seen as a ‘resource’ for the enhancement of spaces, goods and services. The cluster focuses the contributions on the fields:
– overcoming architectural barriers, applicability and interpretation of current legislation on accessibility;
– accessibility to information for pedestrian mobility in urban areas, consistent with the logics of urban regeneration and Urban Design;
– physical and multisensory accessibility to cultural heritage;
– accessibility to open spaces and residential buildings;
– building systems, components and industrial products consistent with the principles of Universal Design, Assistive Technology and Adaptive Technology;
– regulatory coordination between safety and accessibility.
Pro-temp Coordinator : CHRISTINA CONTI Università degli Studi di Udine

Environmental Accessibility_Presentation

Environmental Accessibility_Poster



The topic relating to NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDING is part of the Technological Design in relationship with technologies for new buildings, retrofit of the existing building heritage, process governance, systemic approach to the urban scale, protocols of environmental sustainability, smart communities and Cultural Heritage.
The aim of the NZEB cluster consists in focusing research activities on issues concerning with procedural and design aspects to achieve the best energy efficiency standards in comparison with the given context; to enhance the passive bioclimatic aspects of the building; to reduce, rationalize and optimize primary energy consumption by acting on the technological and environmental system of the building; to produce, share and network energy from renewable sources; to define innovative technological solutions and innovative use of traditional technological solutions at the same time; to get maximum design integration with plant solutions active in a holistic “building-plant” vision; to promote the use of the systems of auditing, monitoring, control and management of the energy and bioclimatic behaviour of architecture.
Pro-temp Coordinator : FABRIZIO TUCCI  Università di Roma “La Sapienza”






The ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE cluster deals with the built environment where, apart from chronological or scalar factors, cultural meanings can be recognized. A heterogeneous field of study, dominated by some aims (knowledge-documentation, conservation, management, use, enhancement) to be faced without any disciplinary delimitation, considering technological innovation and social evolution.
The contributions focus on some declining topics with reference to process and product technologies:
– process reliability, with application of a performance approach to support the various decision-making phases, even from institutional customers (quality of demand);
– project management and scheduled maintenance;
– material and immaterial accessibility;
– health, safety and usability (compatibility of intended use, sustainability);
– application of ICT (Information Communication Technology) and BIM (Building Information Modeling ).
Archaeological sites, rural and vernacular architecture, historical centres and the Twentieth century architecture are particular patterns of architectural heritage studied.
Pro-temp Coordinator : MARIA LUISA GERMANÀ   Università degli Studi di Palermo

Architectural Heritage_Presentation

Architectural Heritage_Poster




In order to meet an increasingly advanced demand on the innovation-sustainability-realization trinomial, the PRODUCTION / BUILDING PRODUCT cluster focuses the contributions on the topics: – product innovation, in many cases transferred from the industrial sector, where an essential role is determined by both the newperformancesof materials and construction techniques and the evolution of new information tools for the design; – process innovation, where there is an exponential increase of the role played by the production within the construction processes, as well as a complexity and multidisciplinarity of the management of construction, organization, methodology and evaluation processes; – changes in architectural languages, linked with both the changes in housing models and the culture of building: regulatory and context constraints, demanding, environmental and climatic inputs; – regulatory control, with reference to quality and environmental certification systems, process and product, to the advanced qualification of construction products through the CE Marking (Reg 305/211) and to building procedures, deeply modified through several liberalization and simplification decrees.

Pro-temp Coordinator: MASSIMO ROSSETTI Università IUAV di Venezia

Production/Building Product_Presentation

Production/Building Product_Poster



The ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN cluster faces the topics concerning with:

– environmental governance, with the experimentation of innovative models of governance of decision-making and plans (strategic plans, cultural districts, environmental evaluations of plans and design, etc.);

– enhancement, re-composition, reconversion and retrofit of areas and settlement systems of particular environmental relevance (urban public areas, abandoned areas, rural areas, coastal areas, urban parks, etc.) paying particular attention to the capacity of resilience and adaptability of the built environment, reduction of consumption and enhancement of cultural, social and environmental resources, reduced impacts, promotion of recycling and decontamination practices;

– environmental quality, wellness and comfort, as well as ecological efficiency of settlement systems;

– rational use of energy and resources in the built environment (thermal comfort and energy performances of buildings, environmental certifications, rational use of energy in buildings and communities, etc.).

Pro-temp Coordinator: MARIO LOSASSO Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Environmental Design_Presentation

Environmental Design_Poster



The topics shared by the RECOVERY AND MAINTENANCE cluster have as their object the existing heritage, the result of the interaction among the physical, social, cultural and economic system. The cluster is oriented to respond to the following priorities:
– new urban pressures and acceptance thresholds of changes;
– management of conservation / transformation conflicts for the enhancement of building, urban and environmental systems;
– quality control in the recovery and maintenance processes;
– intelligent innovation, as a research field for active and synergistic transformations, compatible with the identity of the territories.
Pro-temp Coordinator: MARIA RITA PINTO  Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”

Recovery and Maintenance_Presentation

Recovery and Maintenance_Poster



The topics shared by the SERVICES FOR THE COLLECTIVITY cluster have as their object the “infrastructure” processes of the whole national territory (hospitals, school buildings, universities, public security facilities, infrastructures and public services for culture, sociality, sport and leisure). The cluster is oriented to respond to the following priorities:
– planning, design and management of the interventions;
– public-private partnership;
– order and contract management;
– organization and technological and functional integration (legality, quality, construction site, safety, sustainability, accessibility, appropriateness, etc.).
Pro-temp Coordinator : TIZIANA FERRANTE Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

Services for the Collectivity_Presentation

Services for the Collectivity_Poster



The SOCIAL HOUSING cluster faces the process and design problems for regeneration and development of social residency, with the aim of:
– reducing housing discomfort;
– improving social inclusion;
– increasing performing quality of buildings;
– limiting the use of energy resources;
– reducing environmental impacts;
– safeguarding the identity of places.
Pro-temp Coordinator: MASSIMO PERRICCIOLI Università degli Studi di Camerino

Social Housing_Presentation

Social Housing_Poster


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